If you’re wondering how common hearing loss is, the research is plentiful and paints a crystal-clear picture: Hearing loss is highly prevalent. In fact, it is the third most common health issue for older adults.1

According to the World Health Organization, 20 percent of the global population, or 1.5 billion people, have hearing loss. That number is only rising, projected to reach 1.9 billion by 2030 and 2.5 billion by 20502. In the US, two-thirds of people over the age of 70 have hearing loss3.

All of this is to say that if you have hearing loss, you are by no means alone.

Taking the First Step: Seeking Help

The statistics above are a stark reminder that hearing loss is a prevalent issue with far-reaching consequences. But the good news is, is that you don’t have to face it alone. Seeking professional help for your hearing loss can significantly improve your quality of life and overall health and well-being.

Hearing Aids: A Gateway to Reconnection

Modern hearing aid technology has come a long way, offering discreet, comfortable, and highly effective solutions for various degrees of hearing loss. With the right hearing solution, you can regain the joy of hearing everyday sounds, reconnect with loved ones, and engage fully in your favorite activities and hobbies.

Our Commitment to You

At Audibel Advanced Hearing Healthcare, we are dedicated to providing personalized hearing care solutions to suit your unique needs. Our team of experienced audiologists and hearing instrument specialists will guide you through every step of your journey to better hearing.

From comprehensive hearing assessments to finding the perfect hearing aid for you, we are committed to ensuring you receive the support and hearing care you deserve. Don’t let hearing loss hold you back; take the first step toward better hearing and a more fulfilling life by scheduling a hearing test consultation today.

Hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide, and the numbers are only growing. If you’re experiencing hearing difficulties, remember that you are not alone. Seeking help for your hearing loss can make a world of difference in your life by improving your relationships, safety, and overall health and well-being.

Find out what noises you may be missing! Schedule an appointment today for a hearing consultation.


  1. https://www.hearingloss.org/hearing-help/hearing-loss-basics/
  2. https://www.who.int/health-topics/hearing-loss#tab=tab_1
  3. http://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3869227/